
Lockdown Love

When Colonel Vikram Rathode of the Indian Army calls Dr Nisha Garg in New Delhi from Drass after 13 years, his carefully-constructed world of ‘missions impossible’ and honour stripes crumbles. Vikram has to make a choice between love and duty. Entwined around a debate over whether army officials are entitled to leave on personal grounds in times of national emergencies, Lockdown Love explores the daring frontiers of personal compulsions against the call of duty – and military commitments. A passionate and nail-biting drama that begins in the icy mountains of Drass and moves to New Delhi, ending at the army post in Udhampur.

Published by Om Books International

Colours of Red

Set in the war zone of Bastar, this is a dramatic tale of a young paramilitary officer caught in the cross hairs of life.Known infamously as the ‘red corridor’ of India, Bastar is a place dominated by Naxalite violence, fear and bloodshed, a place that was once blessed by the Gods but has now turned it into ‘God-forsaken land’. Shaurya, the highly patriotic commandant of the Counter Insurgency Task Force, gets posted to Bastar. He soon starts believing that his banishment to the wilderness of Bastar’s Dandakarnaya forest is an ‘official punishment’ to curb his Bohemian lifestyle. He, however, decides to adjust his moral compass even more to survive the loneliness. Shenaya, a young, beautiful Bastaria woman, is on a journey of self-discovery. She is a scientist, who uses her wit and intellect to full effect. Shaurya and Shenaya are immediately drawn to each other and a relationship ensues that is both amorous and intellectual. They soon become pawns in a dangerous game, one that has no winners. This is a tale like no other.

Published by Rupa Publications

Naxalvaad: Unkaha Sach

Ek Ghoont Chandani

यह छोटा-सा उपन्यास प्रेम की एक बड़ी कहानी है—प्रेम की, और प्रेम की खोज की और प्रेम के विस्तार की। कहानी खोए हुए प्रेम को ढूँढऩेकी, और मिल गए प्यार को बचाए रखनेकी। प्यार की कोई एक परिभाषा नहीं होती, प्यार की परिभाषा सेकभी कोई रिश्ता तय भी नहींकिया जा सकता; इस तथ्य को जानतेहुए भी समाज, संसार प्यार को किसी न किसी रिश्तेमेंबाँध देना चाहता है, जहाँवह धीरे-धीरेअपनेसत्त्व को, अपनी ऊष्मा को खो देता है। यह कथा एक अनन्त और अकंुठ प्यार को सँजोयेरखनेकी भीतरी जद्दोजहद की कहानी है। इसकी अपनी रवानी है, जसै ेप्यार की होती है.. और हैअपनेढंग की पढ़त भी। ”..विस्तार अस्तित्व की चाह है—एक को अनन्त करती है, प्रेम अनन्त की चाह है, अनन्त को ‘एक’ मेंकर देती है..अनन्त, ‘एक’ मेंहो जाता है। यह मनष्ुयता के चरम, पिडं ों के गुरुत्वाकर्षणर्ष , नक्षत्रों के द्रव्यमान, चेतना की आकांक्षा, जड़ के समर्पणर्प और अस्तित्व के सन्तलनु का घला ु -मिला सत्य है..यह सिर्फ चेतना या मनष्ुयता का बोध नहीं..प्रेम इतना सीमित नहीं! स्त्री और परुुष के मध्य का आकर्षणर्ष अस्तित्व के जिस सन्तलनु को साधता हैवही आकर्षणर्ष -जनित सन्तलनु पथ्ृवी और ग्रहों सेलेकर अस्तित्व के रेश-ेरेशेमेंव्याप्त है..यह हमारेअस्तित्व का पटैर्न है..भाषातीत है..अनिर्वचनीय र्व है..यह समय के जसा ै कुछ है; जिया जाए बताया न जाए!” —इसी पस्ुतक से.

Beyond the Baton

The core motivation of Beyond the Baton- Trainers’ Approach for Effective Policing, is that as India grows fast, faster still grows its need for better policing. Beyond the Baton recommends that the only solution is to make the police dramatically more competent instead, sort of hyper capable. Actually there is no alternative to this, with both people’s expectations and security challenges showing an upward trend. Beyond the Baton recognizes that at the heart of this mission is the role of trainers. A new police force for a new age can’t be forged in the same old ways. It is time to remedy the cold and autocratic hangover of the colonial age, time for training modules that encourage a constructive rather than antagonistic interface with the public, where trainees are not belittled but built into emotionally and analytically adept policemen and policewomen. Without them, India cannot march into a secure & smart future.

Naxalwad aur police ki Bhumika

Bahut Chaaha Maine

Behind the Uniform: Not Just a Cop

Police. Agents of stability in society or a heavy-handed frontline of a government’s power? Ever since police forces have existed, there has also been this fractured perception. The position of the police has more often than not depended on its political masters, yet it has borne an inordinate amount of flak from the citizenry it policies, in the past and now.

As India moves up the economic chain, emotionally available police personnel are a basic requirement for a society to function as decreed by law and equitably serve the citizens. Behind the Uniform- Not just a Cop examines the position of the Indian police forces, from multiple aspects. Often misused, mired in controversy and inappropriately used by its masters. Police organisations and their staff have multiple rules to abide by yet are hardly ever appreciated for their work. Their work has the responsibility to protect, serve and make the right decisions in a crisis. The work is risk prone, with exposure to crime and traumatic events. It involves being alert and observant, often comes with long work hours, irregular timings, being available 24/7 and having less time for family, friends and self. Poor work-life balance impacts their emotional and psychological health.

Cops are being trained to upgrade their skills. Nevertheless, the job induced stress is deepening speedily. The book not only examines the everyday stresses of a cop, but is also a self help guide for police personnel, while calling for a better understanding from administrators who formulate policies for an emerging India.